Published Articles

Public Policy Writing and Communication

Boston Business Journal

Boston Globe

Admissions lotteries would harm vocational-technical schools - 01/19/24
MBTA retirement fund is headed for a financial reckoning - 06/19/23
A truly progressive student loan policy - 07/12/21
Does the COVID-19 pandemic highlight need for major expansion of social safety net? - 07/01/20
Self-driving cars could make commuter rail obsolete - 02/15/19
School Closings are Tough but Necessary - 04/25/16
The Great State Tax Credit Giveaway - 05/07/15
Olympics Funding Has Big Dig Ring - 03/10/15
How to Fix the T - 02/06/15
Unions are the 1-Percenters in Massachusetts - 12/09/12
Unions Must Adjust To The New Economic Realities - 02/25/11
Grand Plans, Big Debts For MBTA - 11/13/10
Conventional Logic, Empty Hotel Rooms - 07/19/10
Radical Views Of NLRB Appointee - 04/01/10
Red Ink Is Staining More Than MBTA - 11/12/09
High-tech Highway Funding - 07/22/09
Losing a Fiscal Shell Game - 02/20/09
Before 21st Century Skills, Teach Basics - 11/29/08
The T's Unchecked Expansion and Its Consequences - 10/12/08
Privatization that Protects Taxpayer Interests - 9/10/08
Ready for More Educational Choices - 8/05/08
The Battle to Curb Public Pensions - 5/21/08
Easing the burden of unemployment insurance - 1/18/08
The toll of neglect - 8/21/07
A road to ruin for Massachusetts transit - 4/19/07
Address past liabilities to achieve fiscal health - 2/4/07
Rescuing lost schools - 10/21/06
T Expansion on wrong track - 5/24/06
Will Foy save the T? - 12/23/05
Should the state do more to promote civilian flaggers? - 08/04/22
In Balancing the Budget, Baker and Legislators Need to Think Long-Term - 06/28/16

Boston Globe West
Should public employee unions be allowed to charge non-members fees to help pay for collective bargaining? - 04/13/18
The Argument: Should the state replace MCAS with the PARCC test? - 07/24/15

Boston Herald

Healey task force should focus on T pension $$ - 7/20/24
Perks only for the ‘right’ kind of public schools - 2/26/24
Newton teachers strike not ‘for the children' - 2/1/24
Civics poll shows state has much work to do - 10/27/23
Licensing burdens thwart economic growth in Mass. - 02/11/23
Union case ripples in Mass. - 03/07/18
Education establishment ruining reform - 11/29/17
T must seize money-saving moment - 10/16/17
Pols, unions cook up ’Chef mess’- 08/18/17
State ed chief merits flunking grade - 05/23/17
Hotel project a sign of BCEC success - 04/25/17
T pension fund on disastrous track - 04/03/17
Modest proposal for school choice - 03/17/17
Outsourcing drives T’s cost cutting - 02/28/17
Next up at T: Pension reform - 12/28/16
Dems Fail Kids on Charter Schools - 08/21/16
Green Line Plan Sped Past Warnings - 05/12/16
State Plays Politics Over Charters - 03/22/16
T’s Retirement Fund Needs Major Fix - 01/07/16
T’s Wasteful Ways Must Hit Road - 12/04/15
Big Plans Put MBTA on Wrong Track - 08/26/15
Conflict of Interest on School Tests - 07/08/15
Special Interests Have a Field Day - 03/24/15
Question 1: Say No to Unsafe, Run-down Roadways - 10/24
State Education Chief Doesn’t Make Grade - 09/25
Feeding Patronage Empire - 08/05
New Convention Center Math - 06/09
BCEC Shell Game - 03/13
Deval Patrick Fails Big Test on Education - 01/30
Mass. Pays for Union Clout - 8/5
Time to Lift Limits on Charter Schools - 5/31
Gates Money at Core of Support - 04/07/15
Pay for Current Transit System First - 01/16/13
Boston Herald Realistic Returns Only a Start - 11/18/12
Give Proven Providers a Fair Shot - 10/16/12
Intrusive to the Core - 09/03/12
Fast Track to Trouble - 07/03/12
Academic Fads Mustn't Dumb Down Content - 06/01/12
Runaway Costs From T Neglect - 01/18/12
Deck Stacked Against SABIS - 12/19/11
A Dubious Case For UMass Law - 11/07/11
Charter Wins Won't End War - 10/27/11
Collective Buying Rescues Taxpayers - 09/23/11
Federal Ed Agenda Dumbed Down - 08/10/11
Mass. Charter Schools Merit Tip Of The Cap - 01/17/11
Mass Risks Writing Off Literary Excellence - 09/29/10
Throw the Book at James Aloisi, Not Charlie Baker - 08/17/10
Absent Accountability, Mass. Schools Fail - 07/29/10
State Fails Students By Downplaying History - 03/29/10
Education Standards Slip - 03/01/10
Politics Interferes With Education Agenda - 02/05/10
A Door Stays Shut - 12/23/09
Reform Run Off The Road - 11/23/09
Charter Success Foreign to State House - 09/22/09
That Wrong Road Again - 08/11/09
School 'Reform' Snubs Students - 07/03/09
Teachers Union Flunks Courses - 05/27/09
Lesson Snubbed By Boston Teachers - 04/10/09
School Panel Lobby Fighting Taxpayers - 03/20/09
MBTA Fringe Benefits Still a Runaway Train - 7/15/08
Charters still Grade A - 12/5/07
Oversight overhaul won’t ensure ed reform - 10/26/07
Lesson in arrogance - 7/10/07

CommonWealth Beacon (formerly CommonWealth)

Education Next

Fall River News

Governing Institute

Moving the Needle: Using Evidence-Based Approaches to Improve Public Sector Programs - 2019
Modernizing America’s Infrastructure - 2018
HHS in Transition - 2016
States Say Data Sharing & Analysis Would Boost Tax Compliance - 2016
Beyond Budget: Cities Find Hidden Benefits in Energy Efficiency Projects - 2016
Making a Difference with Data / Better, Faster, Cheaper
Risk Sharing’s Key Role in Strengthening Public Pensions - 10/03/16
Why Paratransit Doesn’t Have to Be So Expensive - 09/22/16
Reckoning Time for a City’s Bad Fiscal Decisions - 09/19/16
Kicking the Taxpayers to Boost a Soccer Stadium - 09/06/16
The Tricky Issue of Private Prisons - 08/25/16
The Growing Urgency for Public Pension Reforms - 08/18/16
A County’s Self-Inflicted Compensation Crisis - 08/02/16
Higher Ed’s Degrees of Hunger - 07/21/16
What Dallas Needs to Do for Its Police - 07/13/16
Is Columbus the Future of Urban Transportation? - 07/05/16
Public Pensions’ Not-So-Rosy Outlook - 06/23/16
Sick-Leave Payouts: The Taxpayers’ Headache - 06/16/16
States and the Ever-Deepening Fiscal Hole - 06/06/16
Public Higher Ed’s In-State/Out-of-State Dilemma - 05/19/16
What More Funding Can and Can’t Do - 05/02/16
The Budget-Cutting Tool Every State Should Have Handy - 05/02/16
The Unceasing War Over Teacher Tenure - 04/21/16
When Government Oversteps the Advocacy Line - 04/14/16
Pension Reform that Gets the Job Done - 04/05/16
Playing Fair with Public Employee Unions - 03/23/16
Higher Education’s Golden Retirement - 03/17/16
Pay for Success’: An Idea With Bipartisan Appeal - 03/01/16
Arizona’s Deepening Public-Pension Quagmire - 02/19/16
How Shopping Around Can Hold Down Health Costs - 02/12/16
State Spending and the Search for Hidden Efficiencies - 02/02/16
Cities’ Pension Liabilities Are About to Look a Lot Worse - 01/22/16
Why Performance Pay Is Just the Beginning - 01/05/16
Public Pensions’ Latest Challenge: Longer Lives - 12/18/15
Fixing the Disconnect Between Teacher Compensation and Performance - 12/11/15
What’s a Fair Fare? - 12/01/15
Infrastructure and the Need for Regional Clout - 11/19/15
A Simple (But Hard) Way for Governments to Stay Out of Pension Trouble - 11/06/15
A Reel Bad Deal on Tax Giveaways - 11/03/15
A Bullet Train into a Fiscal Swamp? - 10/23/15
What a Little Dose of Privatization Could Do - 10/16/15
How to Save Billions on Public Construction - 10/07/15
The Implacable Resistance to Charter Schools - 09/28/15
A Transit System’s Self-Inflicted Wounds - 09/17/15
Detroit’s Cruise to Nowhere - 09/01/15
Teaching Teachers: Big Costs, Little Payoff - 08/13/15
Can Massachusetts Get Its Tax Giveaways under Control? - 08/04/15
Giving Public Employees Their Due – Without Overdoing It - 07/16/15
Can California Find a Way Out of Its Pension Calamity? - 07/08/15
Another Beanball for the Taxpayers - 06/18/15
When Privatization Isn’t an Option - 06/10/15
How Our Legislatures Are Designed for Inefficiency - 06/02/15
Can Schools Be Fixed When the Bosses Are Unionized? - 05/22/15
Rolling the Dice to Save Chicago’s Pensions - 05/14/15
Is It Worth Spending $111,000 to Create One Job? - 05/05/15
The Temptation to Make Somebody Else Pay for Roads - 04/24/15
Where There’s Smoke, There’s Data - 04/16/15
A Public Transit System That Works - 04/07/15
Government in Your Pocket - 04/03/15
How to Get Sports Teams Out of Taxpayers’ Pockets - 03/20/15
Want a Tax Credit With That Popcorn? - 03/13/15
How to Create a Public Pension Disaster - 03/03/15
Boston’s Public-Transit Snow Job - 02/20/15
Another Blow for Public-Employee Unions - 02/13/15
Harnessing Data to Fight Crime - 02/03/15
The Wrong Way to Keep Cops and Firefighters on the Job - 01/23/15
Why We Need Teacher Evaluations that Pass the Smell Test - 01/08/15
Is This Camden’s Chance for a Comeback? - 01/06/15
A Streetcar Named Confusion - 12/18
The Growing Focus on the Dismal State of Teacher Preparation - 12/11
The Real Culprits in Illinois’ Pension Disaster - 12/02
The Biggest Olympics Loser: The Public - 11/21
Can Chicago Ever Dig Itself Out of Its Pension Hole? - 11/14
Getting Real about Pension Investments - 11/04
When Public Employees Won’t Budge on Their Benefits - 10/24
Data Analytics and the Soup that Made You Sick - 10/17
Protecting Taxpayers When a Privatization Partner Goes Bust - 10/06
Turning the RFP Upside Down - 09/26
The Worst Way to Manage a Transportation Project - 09/19
A Better Way to Manage Government’s Underutilized Property - 09/11
Public Employees’ Pension Dilemma - 09/02
Taking the Bypass on Transportation Funding - 08/14
Pay for Success”: a Better Way to Deliver Social Services? - 08/05
Do We Really Need to Keep Building Convention Centers? - 07/30
Teacher Tenure and the Need for a Culture of Merit - 07/11
How Technology Can Stretch Infrastructure Dollars - 07/09
Paying the Price to Keep Government’s Best Workers - 06/20
The Mixed Picture of What the States Owe - 06/12
Is California on the Freeway to Fiscal Sanity? - 06/04
Playing the Slots: Technology’s Growing Role in Bringing Efficiency to Parking - 05/23
When Civil Service and Politics Collide - 05/15
Can the Voters Cure Phoenix’ Public Pension Sickness? - 05/06
Illinois’ Retreat on Teacher Quality - 04/24
How Colorado’s Transportation Department is Institutionalizing Improvement - 04/11
Maryland’s Data-Driven Approach to Reducing Infant Mortality - 04/1
“New Orleans’ Winning Strategy in the War on Blight - 03/18
Rhode Island’s Winding Road to Serious Pension Reform - 03/05
How Denver’s City Workers Prevented a Bureaucratic Mess - 02/25
How a Transit Workers’ Pension Plan Jumped the Tracks - 02/05
A Cost-Effective Way to Rebuild 500 Bridges - 01/28
What States Can Do to Protect Children - 01/16
A Not-So-Public Pension’s Disappearing Money - 01/13
Distressed Cities and the Lessons of California - 01/08
Getting Creative on Public Workers’ Health-Care Costs - 12/19
How to Kill Competition for the Delivery of Government Services - 12/12
Cities and the Fiscal Challenge of Retiree Health Care - 12/04
A Better Path to Local-Government Regulatory Reform - 11/26
Public Transit’s Labor Madness - 11/06
Illinois' Pension Mess: the Politics of Denial - 10/24
Higher Education’s Risky Search for the Silver Bullet - 10/21
Boston Cops’ Pay, Mayoral Politics and the Power of Special Interests - 10/10
California and the Thorny Businessof Cutting Current Public Workers’ Pensions - 10/02
How a Federal Law Trumps Cost-Effective Transit - 9/19
The Civil-Service Systems Governments Need for the Modern Era - 9/04
Bringing a Performance Culture to Massachusetts Community Colleges - 8/15
Are Wisconsin’s Public Employee Laws a Panacea for the Nation? - 8/7
Wisconsin and the Politics of Coercing Public Employees to Live in Town - 7/26
Boston Transit Workers’ Pensions: A Win For Transparency - 7/16
Making Ice in the Desert: Glendale, Ariz.’s Multimillion-Dollar Hockey Bet - 7/11
Public Services in a Monopoly: Why it Costs so Much to Fix Boston’s Buses - 7/10
Rhode Island and Massachusetts Chase Private Jobs with Public Money - 6/25
The Growing Movement to Get Better Teachers in the Classroom - 6/13
Can Phoenix Find a Way Out of Its Pension Mess? - 6/5
How New Orleans is Rebuilding Its Ruined School System from the Ground Up - 5/28
Illinois Lawmakers’ Dilemma: 2 Ways to Fix Public Pensions - 5/15
A New Way to Tame the Public Pension Beast? - 5/8
Can Vocational Education Produce the Citizens We Need? - 4/24
Public Workers, Secret Pensions - 4/18
Can Data-Driven Education Close the Achievement Gap? - 4/11
The Right Way to Manage a Government Contract - 4/03
How Bad Is Our Infrastructure, Really? - 3/21/13
When Public-Private Partnerships Are a Bad Idea - 3/13/13
The Game-Changing Potential of Universal Preschool - 03/06/13
New Rules Could Clear the Path to Pension Reform - 03/13
Governing Magazine Solving a Piece of the OPEB Puzzle - 02/13/13
Giving Public Workers the Tools for Efficiency - 02/06/13
The Catch 22 of Restoring Lost ID - 01/22/13
Fixing the Transportation Infrastructure We Have - 01/09/13
Hard Choices on Public Pensions - 01/07/13
The Political Peril of Right - Sizing the Schools - 12/26/12
Setting the Bar Higher for Teachers - 12/12/12
A Cheap Way for Governments to Tap Top Talent - 12/05/12
Can Innovative Urban Food Production Help Save Detroit? - 11/12/12
A Simple (but Hard) Way to Improve Public Pensions - 11/07/12
Rolling the Dice with Taxpayer Money - 10/25/12
The Teachers We Need (and the Ones We Don't) - 10/22/12
Derailing Transit with Debt - 10/10/12
Contracting for Value, Not Just Cost - 10/03/12
Fixing Municipal Finance, by the Book - 09/20/12
Truth, Transparency and Transportation - 09/13/12
Crowdfunding: a New Way to Get Things Done in Government - 09/05/12
What Failing Schools Need: a Menu, Not a Prescription - 08/15/12
Taming the OPEB Beast - 08/09/12
Schools and the Resistance to Competition - 07/24/12
Our Transportation Funding Disconnect - 07/09/12
Stretching Dollars to Nurture Factories - 07/03/12
More than One Way to Fix a Bridge - 06/14/12
Institutionalizing Innovation in Colorado Springs - 06/06/12
Making Sense of Tax Incentives - 05/24/12
Big Pension Reforms in a Little State - 05/11/12
Denver's Better Way to Battle Homelessness - 05/02/12
Rewarding Public Workers Who Produce - 04/24/12
Attracting Business Without Giving Away the Store - 04/17/12
Letting Schools Run Themselves - 04/11/12
Finding the Money for Infrastructure - 04/04/12
Sidetracking Competition in Commuter Rail - 03/26/12
The Gaming of Public Pensions - 03/13/12
Tulsa's Pain – and Gain - 03/07/12
How to Train – and Keep – Good Teachers - 03/05/12
One State's K-12 Learning Curve - 02/23/12
Transit And The Power Of ‘No’ - 02/09/12
New Pensions For New Times - 02/08/12
Can Fiscal Sanity Be Mandated? - 02/02/12
Putting Education Data To Work - 01/24/12
How To Keep Criminals Out Of Jail - 01/19/12
Fiscal Wisdom Among The Razorbacks - 01/12/12
Money Down The Sewer - 01/04/12
The Spending-Performance Equation - 12/20/11
The Bullet Train Misfire - 12/13/11
Accountability And The Poverty Fight - 12/06/11
Free Advice for Struggling Governments - 12/01/11
The Teachers We Need - 11/21/11
Paying for Performance at the Top - 11/14/11
Public And Private, Head To Head - 11/08/11
Sacramento Power Play - 11/02/11
The Worst Pension Gap - 10/12/11
Putting All That Data To Work - 10/06/11
The Right Track For Transportation - 09/29/11
School Reform That Money Can't Buy - 09/27/11
Where The Healthy Savings Are - 09/22/11
In Education, Does More=Better? - 09/16/11
When New Asphalt Gets Old - 09/13/11
Talking Trash in Chicago - 09/07/11
An Incentive for Efficiency - 08/25/11
Building A City From Scratch - 08/11/11
The Pay Squeeze At The Top - 08/09/11
The Messy Politics of Privatization - 08/03/11
For Whom the Road Tolls - 07/28/11
The Pension-Reform Imperative - 07/19/11
Needed: Better Benchmarks for Convention Investments - 07/14/11
Performance Pay for Teachers Would Boost Economy - 06/30/10

Lowell Sun

Metrowest Daily News

Pioneer Institute

Providence Journal

Springfield Republican

USA Today

Wall Street Journal

Worcester Telegram & Gazette


The American Conservative
How Massachusetts Showed the Way on Education Reform - 05/13/19

Attleboro Sun Chronicle
Bringing rail to Gillette a bad move - 03/08/17
Contracts Key In School Professionalism - 01/27/11

Berkshire Eagle
Shine a Light Upon MBTA Pension Fund - 04/22/16

No need to change ‘voc-tech’ admission policies - 05/22/23

City Journal
Time for Receivership in Boston - 04/25/22

The Massachusetts Exception - Summer 2012

The Education Gadfly
"21st Century Skills" Shenanigans in the Bay State - 12/04/08

Gloucester Times
Legal Mess Over Charter Shows No One’s Above the Law - 09/20/10

Harvard Gazette
An Rx for the T - 12/17/15

Harvard Kennedy School
Transforming the T: How MBTA Reform Can Right Our Broken Transportation System - 12/15

The Hechinger Report
Education tax credit programs extend choice to families
who can’t afford private schools or to move to a tony community - 7/20/20

Why States are Backing Out on Common Standards and Tests - 8/15

The Heritage Foundation Backgrounder
How The Labor Department Can Bring Common Sense To A Rail Contract - 05/23/02

The Hill
Health care price transparency bill would be a win for taxpayers, employers and consumers - 07/21/20
Action on health care pricing transparency needed to stem rising costs - 04/12/19

Massachusetts Lawyers Weekly
Questions Remain In Wake Of UMass Law School Plan - 04/05/10

National Review
Taxachusetts Must Be Stopped - 10/27/22

NBC 10 Boston
John Deaton hopes to unseat Elizabeth Warren in 2024 - 02/20/24

Needham Times
Needham Schools Should Consider Private Funds - 03/11/10

New Bedford Standard-Times
History Instruction Shouldn't Pass into… History - 10/24/12
Education As Workforce Development Falls Short - 07/28/11
New Bedford’s Factory-style Teacher Contract - 01/28/11
Transportation Demands Better Management - 04/17/09
The end of the education reform? - 1/24/08

New York Daily News
Opening day in this reopening year - 04/01/21

Patriot Ledger
Freezing Employers’ Unemployment Insurance Rates Makes Sense - 01/17/13
Transportation Fiefdoms A Roadblock To Shared Goal - 03/04/12
Fees For Using Roads Could Foster Economic Growth - 10/18/11

Real Clear Policy
How Massachusetts Can Become a K-12 Education Leader Again - 12/15/22
Time for State to Take Over Boston Public Schools - 2/23/22
Maine Tries to Ignore a Supreme Court Ruling on Education - 10/07/21
Millionaires’ Taxes’ Will Set Back State Recoveries - 03/04/21

Salem News
Preparing for the ‘pension tsunami’ - 05/05/17
If Taxpayers Build It, They Will Come - 03/24/11

Washington Times
Railing against common sense - 10/30/00

The Weekly Standard
The Politics of Hope, Take One - 4/14/08

Beacon Hill Favors Race Horses and Hollywood More Than Kids - 12/03/20
New Education Funds Should Be Focused On Low-Income Districts - 08/20/19
Overkill: When Trump Bashing Subverts the Public Interest - 02/06/18
MBTA Pensions: A Ticking Time Bomb - 07/05/17
It’s Long Past Time for High-Quality Schools in Urban Areas - 11/02/16
Does Expanding the Convention Center Make Economic Sense? - 04/10